Friday, October 12, 2007

I don't do Bandwagons....

I am really tired of people trying to get me to jump on this, that or the other Bandwagon......

Sorry, I just don't do that stuff. So, if you are one of those people who look no further than the latest 'most popular' list, I'm really not interested in what the rest of the world likes, (since the world seems to be filled with intellectual lemmings, and most of them not that intellectual, actually..). To those people who don't have the will, energy, interest or imagination to look below the surface of anything, for something new and different, the people who compile endless 'Top' and 'Most Popular lists', I say this: I know what I like, and I'll go find it for myself, alright? I've got places of my own to go, on this internet. It's people like you who ensure that videos of 'exploding' plastic Soda bottles are watched in such numbers, every day... Go. Get a life, and leave me to live mine.. I'm using my imagination, here, and if it's top of something, there's a fair chance it's pretty mundane, so I'm looking for something else..

The lemmings went that way, ok?

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