Sunday, September 02, 2007

Bored! Do you have that right?

I'm hearing the words 'I'm bored' way too often, these days...

I don't think anyone who is alive has a right to say that. What you are really saying, is I'm not getting enough out of my life. Hey, you have the gift of life, so use it!

I used to be like you, bored and disatisfied, but I learned a thing or two....

I think it was John Lennon who once said, 'Life is what happens when we planned to do something else'. He said that to explain that, sometimes, things we aren't expecting come along, and prevent us from doing what we intended to do with our time, or, even, our life. Well, I reckon John was right, to a degree, but only to a degree. Sure, we all get waylaid by unexpected events, now and again. The truth is, though, it is only now and again, and, most of the time, we can pretty much do what we like with our free time...

Most people have a responsibility or two, maybe they are a Homemaker, Wife, Mother, Father, maybe they work, maybe they do all of these things, but all of us have a life, of whatever kind, and somewhere in it, we can find the time to try to decide on what we want to do with it. Once we know what that is, it's a heck of a sight easier to get on and make our life the one we really want. Three things stand in the way, for a lot of people....

The first thing is, people often don't know what they really want from life. Oh yes, they want good health, love, happiness, and, probably, a comfortable living, but I guess we all want those things in a hazy, generalised way...

The second thing that gets in the way of being happy is tacit acceptance of the way things are; the idea that most people have that 'there's not much I can do about it, that's just how it is for me'.

The third thing that holds folks back is the feeling that they have no innate talent or ability to help them get what they want from life.

I used to be like those people who's attitude I've just described. At least, I behaved like I was just like them. The truth is, I've never been like that, not really. Inside, I always felt that there was something better, if only I could just reach out and get it, and I learned, a long time ago to think in a way that's different from most other folks, to really think outside of the box. I think I learned to do that, because, somehow, I felt I might need to do it one day. One day, maybe, it would come in, right here, in this here and now, that learned ability is getting handier every day...

I know, it's not that easy, to stop accepting things as they are, especially if you are trying to simply make everyone else around you happy, and not bother that much about yourself. You justify your behaviour by saying, 'Oh, I can't just do what I want, I have to consider my Wife, Husband, Partner, Boss, Kids, whoever, whatever. However, there comes a time when you have to realise that making everyone else happy only takes you so far along the road of being happy yourself...and to realise that you count, too, that you really are part of the equation...and, actually, perhaps if you were happier, more 'alive', somehow, maybe everyone else around you would become happier, happier than they are right now.

So, me, being me, with my think 'out of the box' mentality, I came to the conclusion that if I change my life to become what I want to be, then I could be happier, and so could all the people I care about, in a little while..everyone's a winner. That's an idea I really like the sound of, a 'win win' life, no losers, only winners, and that is where I am today, that's what I'm doing, building a 'win win' situation... I also realised that I would only know if I had the creative ability with which to change my life, if I actually tried to be a little more creative. Some people just seem to be born with creative talent, and appear to start making and producing great work without any real effort. Others, people like me, and maybe you, have to work at it. It doesn't matter. the important thing is, you won't make anything, if you don't get off your butt and try...Face it, it's never as boring doing something as it is doing nothing, and you might just be surprised at what you can do, just like me....

Now, with that kind of thinking, (and doing), I'm happier than I was, already. I will get to where I want to be, and so will all those people I care about.

Now, once you arrive at the conclusions I have, there is no room, or time, for boredom and discontent. I'm never bored. Sure, I get frustrated, even a little angry, sometimes, because I know there is a lot wrong with the world, and a lot wrong with my life, and some things, I just can't change, or do anything about. Often, I have to put those things into the category of 'that's just how it is', and accept them as part of the landscape. However, there are a million and one things I can change, and that's what I do. I decide what I can do, what problems I can solve, and I set about solving them, changing those things that I can. I don't worry over much about those things I can't.

So, all of that explains why I'm so into my music, and making it better and more successful. I have way too much to do, so much that you might argue that it's too much for one person to handle. But, there is one feeling I never have, and that's a feeling of boredom....

If you are bored, and you want something interesting to do, you could write a novel, join a bookclub, go fishing, learn Cordon Bleu cookery, there's a million things you could do. The world's your they say. Well, actually, they say Oyster, but I say Lobster, because I think out of the box! However, there is another alternative...You could help me do what I'm doing; That way, I could get more done, and be more successful, more quickly, and you would become part of a 'win win' situation....You may not make a lot of money, though you would make some...but you'd never be bored...

Answers on a post card....

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